Foot deformities and PilaToes®
PilaToes® is ideal for misalignments!
In most cases, deformities of the foot, toes and along the axis of the leg are acquired. This means that the people affected have "themselves" ensured, through certain circumstances, that it comes to this.
Surely that was unintentional. Often due to a lack of knowledge. The good thing about it: If you eliminate the causes and train in a targeted manner, many malpositions and complaints can improve significantly!
But beware! First seek the advice of the doctor if malpositions cause problems! PilaToes® is sport, not therapy!
We see the causes!
Please forget the following statement, which gives you the illusion of a possible cause: Heredity! Nobody inherits a foot deformity! Very, very rarely is a deformity congenital. On the other hand, no baby is born with a hallux valgus! Fact! Misalignments are caused by under- or overloading the foot, accidents or illnesses.
Fact 1: Hallux Valgus is caused by external circumstances such as shoes and a lack of training! If you may have inherited a soft, receptive, "weak" connective tissue, it does not necessarily have to result in hallux valgus! You have it in your hand! Only you!!!
Fact 2: Age is not responsible for a misalignment. When a person gets older, the body just had much more time to adapt to the unfavorable circumstances (shoes and lack of exercise) with, for example, a deformity!
But some young people also suffer from deformities.
Fact 3: It's not just the high heels! Shoes are stupidly provided with heel heels, which have a rather unfavorable influence even with a height of a few centimeters. In addition, the cushioning, thick soles, insoles, tapered shape, inflexible material, etc. Find out <here> more about shoes!
Fact 4: Lack of exercise means you haven't been using your foot naturally! Maybe not even your whole body? Maybe you do sports? What you do there is often very one-sided. The feet are always under-challenged. And they unfavorably adapt to this lack of demand!
Fact 5: Training always works! Training means setting a stimulus that the body adapts to. This works at any age! Always! We use this endogenous property in PilaToes® out of.
So foot fitness is always improving! And as a result, many misalignments and complaints!
Misalignments on the PilaToes® has influence:
Hallux valgus: At this The big toe wanders over to the others. A bulge develops on the inner edge of the foot in the area of the base joint of the big toe. The cause is very often a combination of wearing shoes and little (foot) movement. The basic shape of the shoe is decisive. There are actually no shoes on the market that match the natural shape of the foot (except for some minimal shoes)! The shape is always too pointed at the front and narrows the toes. In addition, there is the sole blast, the thick, immobile, concave sole and a footbed. If the shoes are also cushioned, the combination of unfavorable shoe properties is complete.
Now the foot is in these shoes all day, is not moved in them and is not challenged at all. No muscles, no tendons, no ligaments, no bones, no joints get enough stimuli (training) to which they can adapt positively! The foot adapts to the shoe!
Hallux valgus ultimately results from the change in position of the tarsal and metatarsal bones. The big toe flexor tendon then pulls it over into the valgus position. The abductor muscle of the big toe is too weak to resist.
PilaToes® Foot training starts right there. We improve mobility, sensorimotor skills, joint alignment and foot muscle strength. So the hallux valgus has a chance to improve!
heel spur: At this bony outgrowth on the heel bone, the largest bone of the foot, the body has used his own improvement mechanisms to compensate for a situation that was unfavorable to him.
The pull of the plantar fascia, which has grown onto the heel bone, was too high. The constant pull triggered a local piezoelectric effect, which caused the osteoblasts to form more bone substance and form it as an outgrowth, as a spike. If the spur is big enough, it presses into the tissue with every step and sometimes hurts badly. Soft soles and padding should bring relief here. However, they often increase the tension in the plantar fascia.
PilaToes® Foot training starts here and eliminates the circumstances that lead to the triggering of the piezoelectric effect. The tension in the plantar fascia is eliminated and the spur forms back. However, that takes a long time. Sometimes, as an affected person, you do not want to live with the pain for so long and turn to the doctor who can surgically remove the spur.
flat foot: The flat foot is often the initial symptom for many other malpositions and complaints. In itself, you can live with it for a long time without having any problems. A flat foot, a splayfoot and finally a hallux valgus can develop from the skewed foot. Soft soles and a lack of physical challenge are the causes here. The PilaToes® Foot training strengthened again in such a way that, in connection with a new movement pattern, the alignment of the affected joints is achieved!
Claw/Hammer Toes: The tendons of the flexor muscles and possibly together with the extensor muscles of the toes bring an extreme tensile force to the small toe joints. You are constantly being pulled into an increasing flexed posture. If this situation lasts for years, the connective tissue around the joints and in the foot will "stiffen" in such a way that even passive mobilization is difficult and limited. PilaToes® Exercises provide a remedy here, but until real, lasting success occurs, you have to train for a long time!
Splayfoot: The muscles and connective tissues of the foot cannot maintain the structure of the foot. The five metatarsal bones gradually drift apart. A splayfoot, which can remain pain-free for a long time, eventually gives rise to other malpositions, such as hallux valgus or other complaints. For example, the rubbing of the big and small toes on the shoe hurts and calluses develop under the ball of the foot due to the pressure at exactly this point there.
With PilaToes® Exercises succeed in gradually restoring the structure of the foot, strengthening muscles and challenging the connective tissue with new elasticity.
Note: Misalignments can cause very painful problems. While malpositions are not diseases, their consequences can be diseases that arise from them. For example, inflammation (plantar fasciitis, Morton's neuroma), arthrosis, tissue proliferation, etc. are very often the result of malpositions.
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